The actor-director appointed by Áron Molnár would not call the conduct sexual harassment


According to Zsolt Frenkó, there was no intention of approaching him, and he was surprised that Áron Molnár had kept the story to himself. If there is a lawsuit, he apologizes.

Partizan’s video interview was released on Monday night. Áron Molnár with an actor who said Sarsdi Lilla his case reminded him that he too had been bullied at the age of sixteen.

You realize that if someone is standing in front of you in an apartment when you are 16 years old, you are watching a DVD in an adult’s apartment and you are just taking a DVD of Rocky Horror Picture, and when you look up, a man is standing naked in front of you, drying your hair because you just took a bath, that’s not normal. (…) Or when you are traveling in the same car with the same man and then you hit your thigh when you say goodbye and simply say (grab your thigh) that it is not okay. Because you’re sixteen, and it’s up to you that, oh, that’s the acting profession, it’s like this is the art world, it’s like that, and it’s just doing it.

– said Áron Molnár, who named the person at the end of the transmission Zsolt Frenkó in the person of an actor-director.

We didn’t mention it in our previous article, but we managed to get there and asked if he wanted to respond to what Áron Molnár said. Zsolt Frenkó, 57, who also serves as a theater director and actor. For better or worse of the series) said that he had not yet seen the video, he only received a Messenger message from Áron Molnár in which he also described what he had said in the video:

I wouldn’t call it sexual harassment, I didn’t even remember it, but that’s exactly what Aaron said happened. I didn’t even understand why he started his message by keeping what he was doing with it for a long time.

Why did Áron Molnár say that he was sure you hadn’t done it since then?

I do not know.

Have you never talked about this?

No, for the first time. He says he has kept it to himself until now. Since then, we have met many times in the theater, we have met here and there, as we work in the same field. For now, I digest what you wrote. I considered him an extremely talented boy. I followed his career, also sent support to the noar, and now Aaron wrote that shocking denial had accepted support from me.

If you don’t believe there was sexual harassment, what would you call what happened?

Well that’s what happened. That’s probably what happened.

But then isn’t that sexual harassment in your opinion?

I do not think so.

Do you think it was acceptable behavior to appear naked in front of a sixteen-year-old boy?

We were together at a game camp, it was suspected that it had happened there. He was naked, there was a shared shower in the camp. Whoever stepped into the man’s shower could see me naked. He who did not enter could not see. It never occurred to me to take a shower in a coat.

Didn’t you deny that you grabbed your thigh either? Doesn’t that count as an approach either?

No, because there was no intention of approach in him.

Wasn’t there a sexual character on your part then?


Did you regret it in hindsight?

I did not remember it. I didn’t chase Aaron. That was really all it was, and it probably was. And I could really take it, I called to sync, to acting camp, that’s all. I don’t understand why he just came out right now and why he never told me. She was surprised.

Now that you know this has upset Aaron Molnár, would you apologize?

If he feels I owe you an apology for that, I will.

If it has been seventeen for him or I don’t know how many years it has been pressing his soul, it has worked on him, then I sincerely regret it and I apologize. I didn’t think that was something harmful because that was not the intention. I don’t think so today. He considered him an extremely talented boy, he knew he was going to be a great actor, he entered. I just do not get it. But I will say that if he feels I owe him an apology, I will be very happy to apologize to him.

Áron Molnár said that Lilla Sárosdi’s story let him know that something similar happened to her. Do you think there was a parallel between the two?

I can not say that. If there is a parallel in Aaron, there is a parallel in him, my opinion is obviously that there is no parallel. I thought of ours as a friendly and buddy relationship, beyond trying to add something to their acting aspirations at the time, or point the way, but that’s the whole story. Then I let go of him and watched him move forward, soar, and do his thing. However, Lilla Sárosdi came up with something completely different, I already apologize. And not just him, but several more in that campaign.

Has no one else ever accused you of this before?

