The 74-person trial of the residents of the old house in Pesti út was ruined


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Two letters were received on Friday from the National Center for Public Health at the Pest Road Nursing Home informing them that several of the five hundred coronavirus tests ordered by epidemiological authorities to assess the number of infected residents and workers in Budapest at home – writes 24 .hu.

This is a test of a total of 74 people,

some of which failed because “there were few cellular elements in the submitted sample” and nine tests could not be performed because

The sample was filtered during transport.

Deputy Mayor Erzsébet Gy. Németh spoke to about this, according to which the epidemiological authority acted irresponsibly by notifying the nursing home only now. After all, the nine residents who were not examined at all because of the leaked sample stayed at the house not knowing if they were infected.

According to Gy. Németh, one of them already had symptoms and the house administration immediately isolated him.

The reason for the delay may be the slow delivery of the mail, because according to article, the letters are dated last Thursday and Friday, although article only reveals that the second one was mailed on the same day.

The 65 residents who have the sample were not eligible for the laboratory test are still in the hospital.

So far, 18 of the residents of the Pesti út home have died of coronavirus infection.

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