The 39-year-old mayor of Fidesz de Csepel has fallen into a dramatic state, writing about how


What you need to know every morning.

“Right now, I’m better because I have air. Anyone who hasn’t experienced this can’t really imagine how it feels.”

– writes Lénárd Borbély, the mayor of Csepel, in his recent Facebook post, giving a detailed, very shocking description of what has happened to him since he also announced in a post last Tuesday, October 20, that he was infected with a coronavirus.

Recent selfie from the Lénárd Barbély hospital.

In his recent publication, the politician recalls that his condition has steadily deteriorated since his announcement, until it was already on Saturday night. “I could barely breathe”but not so much that “The speech did not go very well”. They then called an ambulance and hospitalized him.

“Here, it turned out that I had bilateral pneumonia, my immune system had collapsed and my blood oxygen levels were constantly dropping. That is why they are currently helping with oxygen, but these days are crucial to know if I am improving and how to move forward. ”

Barber writes.

The mayor, who is 39 years old, according to his record, plays sports every day of the week and frequently on weekends, takes vitamins and does not mention that he has any underlying disease, now he receives steroid medication, antibiotics and an additional medication.

Barber asks everyone to Observe all government precautions, primarily for your own good. Avoid crowded places, physical contact, do not enter crowds. Wear a mask and keep your distance. My personal example shows that the coronavirus is not fussy and, above all, that it is very insidious. “

Barber, when he announced on the 20th that he was ill, wrote that “What I knew was that I did it to prevent infection, but I still have it.” But a post two weeks earlier also revealed that on October 3 he attended the Support Day organized by the Csepel Fishermen’s Association Board on Holland Road without mask or distance. However, it was the second deadliest week of the epidemic so far.

