The 100-member Gypsy Orchestra received extraordinary support


The 100-member Gypsy Orchestra represents unique Hungarian worth, and the Minister of Human Resources provided HUF 30 million in extraordinary support to the orchestra.

The 100-member Gypsy Orchestra, winner of the Hungarian Heritage and Hungaricum awards, has received numerous national and international awards. It was founded in 1985 and has been in operation for 36 years. They traveled the world with their traditional performances and introduced music lovers to the inimitable artistry of Hungarian gypsy music.

The 100-member gypsy bandSource: 100-member Gypsy Orchestra

During the coronavirus epidemic, VII. The district’s opposition mayor dispatched the band from the building where they rehearsed and prepared for performances for more than a decade. Subsequently, Prof. Dr. Miklós Kásler ordered that the worthy and last seat of the orchestra be provided by the Secretary of State for Culture. The search for this building is currently ongoing. To further complicate the situation for the band, due to the epidemic, they had the opportunity to perform some concerts last year.
