That the government let the doctors, temporarily


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According to the newspaper, the government is not yet negotiating with the Hungarian Medical Chamber, but as an implementing decree of the new law, it is making major changes to the rules and making a gesture.

In the recent draft regulation, the Cabinet seems to be making known the three most criticized parts.

It is no coincidence that the government seems to back down, since according to a survey by the MOK, 5,000 thousand doctors indicated that they would not sign an employment contract for a new status that was unacceptable to them.

The points in dispute are corrected by the Cabinet in the following way:

  1. The deadline for the second job licensing obligation has been postponed until January 2023, that is, beyond the elections.
  2. The project maximizes the duration of the secondment to 100 days per year instead of the previous two years, and also introduces a salary supplement of 50 percent for the duration of the secondment. According to the draft regulation, it will not be possible to displace pregnant women and women who raise small children under three years of age, large families, those who raise their children alone or in the care of their relatives, or workers with disabilities, and those who are found immediately before professional examination.
  3. The regulation is also relaxed in the case of contributory contracts: initially it would have been repealed as of January, but the term will be extended until the end of 2022, that is, anesthesiologists, radiologists, surgical teams and other health professionals will not have to adjust their state to the new state law.

The page summarizes:

The salary increase for doctors, according to them, will start from January in such a way that the government no longer wants to provoke conflicts with other points of contention until the elections.

This also means that in the next year and a half they will not resort to the separation of public and private care. The execution instruction received by the page creates the National Hospital General Directorate. This will be in charge of the employer of public health employees, with the exception of hospital heads, who will have a minister responsible for health. Those who occupy the current General Director of Hospitals will be renamed Heads of Institutions, who will be replaced by the Medical Director.

The document also draws attention to the fact that, by law, 17 government decrees of implementing regulations must be published by November 18.

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