Tesco pays everyone an additional bonus of almost 40,000 florins after the December attack


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The chain of stores recognizes the work of the employees in December with an additional amount of approximately 40,000 guilders, and the reward is received with the January salary, the newspaper wrote, referring to the company’s announcement.

Workers were also informed that they would reintroduce night refueling in hypermarkets, the temporary measure justified by the viral situation. The night shift was abolished years ago, but now it has been decided to ensure that the risk of infection is minimized in the end-of-the-year riot, when store workers have to compensate for the decrease in products on the shelves due to the increase. rotation.

Csaba Bubenkó, president of the Independent Union of Commercial Workers, welcomed the “forward-looking decision” of the store chain. He drew attention to the fact that health protection continues to be a priority for both workers and customers.

“It would be unfortunate if the bonus payment offered an incentive for some employees to work ill, the responsibility for individual protection falls strictly on everyone’s moderation. At the same time, we see the stakeholders strengthen in their perseverance,” he said.

The president also said: “The most important thing is to keep jobs and active workers working daily with the least risk so that the country, including the population, can operate without interruptions.”

Cover image: Shutterstock
