Tesco, Aldi, Lidl and others have made a request to customers for Christmas


Food billing is expected to increase in December compared to last year, but the year-end jump in recent years will be more modest, György Vámos, secretary general of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) told MTI.

“The amount of holiday spending shows how much the billing will increase in December compared to November. Last year, the increase in food billing was on the order of HUF 100 billion in the last month of the year compared to the previous month. , this year it is expected to be lower due to the coronavirus epidemic. ” György Vámos said about the situation.

He also spoke about the fact that the turnover of food and daily consumer goods also increased this year compared to the previous year, and growth is also expected in December, but less than in previous years. However, he indicated that there may be significant differences within the average depending on geographic areas and types of businesses.

Chains are made for weight

the Aldi expect festive traffic in recent years. Due to epidemiological measures, even more people are expected to cook and bake at home, which is likely to further increase the turnover of many products, for which the chain of stores is consciously preparing, they were told to contact with MTI. Experience in the food chain has shown that the first wave of the coronavirus epidemic has changed shopping habits, with customers going to stores less often but spending more. This trend can also be seen in the second wave, with buyers trying to buy less frequently but at a higher value, regardless of the holidays. The store chain still considers cumulative purchases unnecessary as there is a continuous supply of all products.

the Auchan finds that, as in previous years, turnover has been gradually increasing this year since the beginning of November. Interest in traditional Christmas products has been on the rise since the beginning of December, and demand for some products, such as fish, is expected to increase significantly in the three to four days leading up to Christmas Eve. Shoppers are preparing for the holidays, but not to the same extent as in recent years, the chain said.

Auchan has taken several steps to avoid congestion and made its online store nationwide.

A CBACustomers have started preparing for the holidays, the demand for bakery products has increased for the time being, but it is expected that in a few days the turnover of all holiday product lines will be more than ten percent higher than in the rest of the year. The demand for online orders and home delivery in the food sector has also increased significantly this year, with orders available from Prima via Wolt in the capital starting in December; the express service can also help avoid congestion, added Attila Fodor, the chain’s communications manager, who said it was difficult to predict the expected increase in traffic this year.

As you said, business turnover has been steadily increasing in recent years, but the coronavirus epidemic is having a serious impact on trade, and store turnover has lagged behind. During the Easter period, for example, there was less demand for seasonal products than before, and Santa Claus chocolate sold more slowly in early December, he recalled.

The attack is coming

A Lidl expects higher billing in December than in the same period last year. Purchases have already recovered since the end of November, but the highest turnover is expected in the last week before Christmas. According to the store chain, this year, shoppers will be more thoughtful and conscientious when organizing their purchases. The Lidl stores will be built with expanded staff and maximum checkout service if necessary, so that customers can complete their purchases as soon as possible, avoiding long wait times, the company stressed.

A Spar He also expects stores to have more traffic in the last weekends of Advent and in the last days before Christmas, because based on trends in recent years, many people go out Christmas shopping at the last minute. As reported, this year they will of course try to get buyers’ attention to buy as soon as possible to reduce weight as well. The turnover of the Spar online store has already increased significantly in recent weeks.

Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, the store chain has also seen customers go to stores less often. Also, the popularity of discounted and lower priced items has grown tremendously.

A Tesco He also informed MTI that there is a constant increase in billing in stores and also asks buyers not to abandon purchases at the last minute if they can, to choose periods of less activity or to use online shopping services and delivery to home. . The company said it has been voluntarily limiting the number of shoppers in the store area at the same time since early December to avoid congestion, and a new checkout will be opened immediately if a longer queue develops so that customers can complete your purchases as soon as possible.
