The media authority decided, Antenna Hungária acted: there has been no digital radio in Hungary since midnight on Sunday, because “there was no demand from the market or the students.”

Now only the broadcasts of InfoRádió, Klubrádió, Katolikus Rádió and state radio channels can be accessed with the old technology, that is, in an analogous way, after the decision of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) Antena Hungary turned off the DAB + technology at 0 am on Sunday. digital broadcasting in Hungary: wrote the first

The antecedent of the change is that the media authority did not extend the contract with the state broadcaster, which therefore expired on Saturday, September 5, 2020 at 11:59 pm NMHH justified this by stating that “there was no real demand market and digital radio students in Hungary “.

A Media1 however, he writes that there may be political reasons for the decision: according to some opinions, the attitude of the media authority also contributed to the failure of digital broadcasting in Hungary. “If DAB + had been successful in Hungary, the Media Council would have had less say over who can provide radio media services in Hungary,” the article reads. In this, by the way, they also add that

NMHH, led by Monika Karas, stated last year that it intended to maintain digital radio service in Hungary.

The great advantage of DAB +, which we presented in detail above, is that it provides radio listeners with significantly better than usual interference-free sound quality, as well as the ability to use several new types of services. Another great advantage of digital radio is that it is possible to start radios with much more freedom, since, unlike analog FM transmission, it is not characterized by frequency restrictions, he wrote. Media1.

In some countries, this solution has also been successful, so much so that DAB + has just been preserved and analog has been switched off.

The closure of digital radio also means that those who have bought such devices or have a car with such a radio can now only go back to analog transmission. The other solution is to listen to Internet radio and podcasts, but the latter require Internet access.

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