Experts have long warned that there may actually be many more officially registered infected people who have contracted the coronavirus.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Experts estimate that around one in ten people worldwide may have been infected with a coronavirus infection, the World Health Organization (WHO) emergency director in Geneva said on Monday.

According to Michael Ryan, the numbers differ significantly for those who live in urban and rural settings and for different groups of people.

An estimate that some 760 million people may have been caught with the coronavirus far exceeds the 35 million cases of infection confirmed so far. Experts have long warned that actual numbers can be significantly higher than officially recorded data, but there have been smaller multipliers in the past.

[84 965 koronavírus-fertőzöttet vizsgáltak meg, és végre kiderült, hogy is működik a fertőzés]

Meanwhile, a US government representative once again called for WHO reform, citing China as unacceptable for a member state’s “mistake” in failing to provide accurate and complete data on outbreaks in a timely manner. Brett Giroir, deputy minister for virus testing for the US Department of Health, as well as the European Union and Australia, asked the organization to send an international team of experts to China to detect the origins of the new type of coronavirus.

[Covid-katasztrófát jósolnak Magyarországon amerikai járványmodellezők]

The WHO has previously said that the death toll could reach two million before coronavirus vaccination is widely used, and may even be higher if concerted action is not taken to curb the epidemic. The director of the organization also said that young people should not be blamed for the current increase in the number of infected, despite growing concerns about the spread of the virus by young people after easing restrictions and measures of quarantine around the world.

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