Preparatory work for the development of 6G technology has already started in China. The data will spin at frantic speed on a network faster than the now expanding 5G.

Although we are getting familiar with 5G networks, they are way ahead in China. In the Far East, they were already working on the next telecommunications milestone, 6G, in 2018, and Huawei has been breaking its head on this for some time.

the GizChina Even weeks ago, he wrote that the preparatory work had been going on at the Chinese Ministry of Information and Technology for months, and experts working on the project believe that 5G will be slow compared to 6G. Some experts believe that the theoretical data transfer rate of the next generation mobile network will be 8000 times faster than 5G, that is.

can get closer 1 TB / s.

On the Internet this way, you can download approximately 40-50 4K movies in a single second, which of course doesn’t make any sense, but it is a good example of how fast it is.

[Még 5G sincs nagyon, de Trump már 6G-re váltana]

There’s no word yet on when the technology will be ready, but it’s worth keeping in mind that 5G development started more seriously for it in 2008, and now we’re writing 2020 and we’re still about to launch the network.

If the network data transfer rate is really that high, it’s also worth thinking about which devices will be able to use it for significant purposes.

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