The lifespan of fake news spread on Facebook is highly influenced by how quickly it reaches the number of people. With that in mind, the social network is introducing a restriction on Messenger, which will take effect today.

According to the Facebook announcement on Thursday, various content (images, articles or videos)

they can be forwarded to a maximum of five people or groups at a time.

Facebook hopes the novelty will reduce fake news, as the lifespan of such posts is largely determined by how quickly they reach users.

The limitation of message transmission is not unheard of in Mark Zuckerberg’s purview: WhatsApp has this solution too, although users have been able to use it for a relatively long time in that software.

Development is an important part of Facebook’s efforts to minimize attempts to influence due to the upcoming presidential election. This is because not only is there false and deadly information about the coronavirus epidemic that is causing problems these days, but the chances of false posts are increasing due to the upcoming American vote.

Facebook has previously created several useful functions for Messenger. For example, with a development released in July, you can block your messages from prying eyes.

If you ever want to know about similar things, check out the Facebook page in the HVG Tech section.

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A switch has been added to Messenger to block your messages

Facebook adds a number of new features to Facebook that make messaging even more secure. One of the improvements is the in-app fingerprint and face identification, which is now available on iPhones and iPads.

Facebook Messenger on Android phones is changing

It transforms a feature loved by some users that others tend to disable immediately after installing Messenger. Conversations that appear like bubbles will be more guaranteed and personalized.

Merger of Facebook Messenger and Instagram Messenger

Those who use the services of Facebook Empire will soon be entering any application, and in all of them they will find messages received by others. The merger has already begun, first in the United States.