Zhenhua Data, a company close to the Chinese state, has organized the information of millions of people (mostly publicly available) around the world in a database. Part of the package was recently leaked. According to Telex, the list includes more than 700 Hungarian names, including those who are still active politicians and business executives.

At the end of September, the news came that a database could be freely browsed on the Internet, so that cybercriminals could also access it, which also has domestic implications: in the material containing the personal data of a total of 650,000 organizations and 2.4 million people. The database is Telex According to a recent article compiled by Shenzhen Zhenhua Data Information Technology, and what has been leaked may be only a small part of the entire data package.

According to the news site, although the data in the database largely contains information shared by stakeholders, most service providers explicitly prohibit its massive collection, classification, and retention. And the use of data can be considered illegal in much of the world. It is also not incidental to the use of the package, since the data that seems harmless can be much more valuable to an intelligence or a cybercriminal.

“What’s interesting is the way this data is organized, how they relate to each other, who their family is, how they relate to other people, all the things that can be blackmailed. We ourselves connect our own relatives and acquaintances with us. They themselves can be traced through these in databases, and therefore information can be extracted from them that we ourselves don’t necessarily think could come out. An intelligence officer can cook a lot with these. “

He said TelexEastern Arthur Cybersecurity Expert.

The portal received the Hungarian names from the list of Internet 2.0 researchers dealing with the database. Several people have a photo attached and a description and comments on why they could be interesting, what their marital status could be, but also which party they are heading to. THE Telex according to the name mentioned in the list, among others

Gábor Kubatov, Director of the Fidesz Party, Bertalan Havasi, Deputy Secretary of State for the Prime Minister’s Office, István Hollik, Director of Communications of Fidesz, Ágnes Kunhalmi, Co-chair of the MSZP, and Márton Gyöngyösi, Member of the European Parliament, Vice-President of the Party .

They are still active political actors today. At the same time, the database dealt with former and current leaders of companies and state institutions, as well as former politicians, such as former Fidesz deputy Gyula Vantara, who was also mayor of Békéscsaba between 2006 and 2014.

It is not clear what the Chinese database is for, but some say it is not valuable enough to be used for useful military or intelligence tasks. At the same time, it is important to know that only part of the raw data came out, not the software that relies on it, which performs its processing and analysis. It can also be seen that the focus of the collection was not in Hungary, because in several places there are only names, and the entries are very old: the records were created in July-August 2018 and last updated in October 2018 .

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