According to the infectologist, the coronavirus vaccine will be available in mid-2021 at the latest.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

In Hungary, the death rate has not been higher in recent months than in the years before the coronavirus, but this is not the case for several countries, including England, Spain, Italy and France, János Szlávik emphasized in a professional conference online.

The chief physician of the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases at South Pest Central Hospital said about the tests that between 6 and 12 thousand tests are carried out daily in Hungary and an increasing number of positive cases are detected. According to Slavik, the PCR test is the most reliable, but it requires special equipment, experience, and proper laboratory background.

The infectologist stressed that wearing a mask is one of the basic protection tools, but there is no need to mystify the masks. In terms of effectiveness, there is not a big difference between them, since while a simple mask provides 95 percent, surgical masks 95-98, special masks (FFP2, FFP3) provide 99 percent protection. According to him, in everyday life, the simplest masks also provide protection, but another important element of defense is distance. “If we follow these two, the chances of infection are almost nil,” Slavik said.

[84 965 koronavírus-fertőzöttet vizsgáltak meg, és végre kiderült, hogy is működik a fertőzés]

As for coronavirus vaccines, the expert said, there are already several vaccines registered in Russia and China that are used to vaccinate tens of thousands of people and are proving to be effective. Slavik reported that there are two hundred candidate vaccines in a so-called preclinical study, ten of which are in the third phase, that is, when many people are already being tested under epidemic conditions. Two or three vaccines have already been registered.

According to János Slavik, these vaccines will be available in the early and middle of next year.

According to the infectologist, 80 to 95 percent of people would need to be vaccinated for this virus to disappear, and a 50 to 60 percent vaccine would be needed to prevent larger epidemics.

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Slavic: influenza vaccination is recommended.

At home

Antiviral drugs are also effective, but they are not miracle cures.

János Szlávik or Pál Győrfi will give a lecture on the epidemic for 368 thousand florins

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