Presumably, severe mental illness causes premature biological aging, weakening health and the immune system, says one researcher.

Coronavirus – the second year

It has been more than a year since the Chinese authorities informed the WHO of the emergence of a new, rapidly spreading virus. Since then, there has hardly been a person in the world who has not heard the term Covid-19, and more and more people are mourning the family member or friend with whom the new disease ended as stocks collapsed in weeks and our lives. Entities were rewritten. by the epidemic. By now, the vaccines have been completed, which in turn raises not only hope, but again many questions, while not only stopping the virus, but also threatening another mutation. You can find the details of this fight in our series of articles.

According to a Swedish study, severe mental disorders increase the risk of death from Covid-19.

In the elderly, people with such psychiatric disorders have four times higher mortality from the coronavirus than those in this age group who are mentally healthy.

For their study, scientists from the University of Umea and the Karolinska Institute analyzed data on the total Swedish population aged 20 and over, nearly eight million adults, between March and June last year.

Among those without a serious mental disorder, the death rate was 0.06 percent. However, 130 deaths were reported among those diagnosed with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, representing a death rate of 0.1 percent in this group.

Mental patients aged 60 to 79 years had an even higher risk of death related to Covid-19.

A study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry did not explain why the death rate is higher in people with severe mental disorders.

Severe mental disorders are believed to cause premature biological aging, weaken health and the immune system, and there may be other risk factors for this group, such as obesity. “

said Martin Maripuu, associate professor, adding that it is important to address the physical and mental health problems of people with such disorders together.

According to the researcher, the results of the study should be taken into account in the implementation of the vaccination program, considering prioritizing vaccination for the group of elderly and mentally ill people.

In Sweden, the vaccination program began during the Christmas holidays, and currently 3.2 percent of the country’s adult population, 264,148 people, received at least the first dose of the vaccine, of which 34,131 people, 0 42 percent of the adult population have already received it. two doses.

According to a statement from the World Health Organization (WHO) on January 29, 237 possible vaccines are being developed worldwide, 63 of which are already in clinical trials, in countries such as Germany, China, Russia, Great Britain. and the United States.

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People were mentally obsessed with the coronavirus, many of them had symptoms

The closure due to the coronavirus epidemic has had a strong impact on the mental state of Europeans, with most exhibiting symptoms, many for the first time in their lives, according to a new representative survey of thousands of people on World Health Day. Mental health.

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Many of them are already battling sleep disorders, depression, and stress.