They play a small role in transmitting the infection, preferring those who are already infected but still have no symptoms, Swiss researchers have found. Only a fifth of people infected with the new coronavirus remain asymptomatic, according to a new large-scale study by researchers at the University of Bern.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

If the number of asymptomatic infections were high, so-called mass immunity would be readily available, according to one theory. “This is most likely not the case,” said the Plus one Nicola Low, an epidemiologist at the University of Bern for the Swiss news agency SDA, is the lead author of a study published in a scientific journal.

There is no consensus among experts on the number of asymptomatic infections, since once considered asymptomatic, symptoms may appear later, in which case we speak of presymptomatic, that is, patients before the onset of symptoms.

Low and his research team evaluated data from 79 previous studies. The papers included data from infected people whose symptoms were studied over a longer period of time between March and June.

Of the 6,616 infected, only 1,287 remained asymptomatic during the course of the disease, and about 80 percent had symptoms sooner or later.

When the range of studies analyzed was narrowed to papers in which subjects were randomly selected so that they were not just hospitalized, the proportion of asymptomatic infections rose to 30 percent. The researchers also found that children were less likely to develop the disease than adults.

[Magyar kutatók: Megvan, miért lehet ennyire fertőző a koronavírus]

The analysis of the research, that is, the so-called meta-analysis, confirmed that asymptomatic infections play a relatively small role in the spread of the virus. The problem is not with them, but with so-called presymptomatic infections, which are not yet aware of their disease, Low noted, adding that adherence to the general rules (mask use and distance) is therefore important to stop the pandemic.

Low and his team continue to monitor the studies of the asymptomatic course of Covid-19 caused by the coronavirus, as 900 additional studies, potentially significant, according to the scientist, have been published since the present work was completed.

Meanwhile, a broader range of symptoms has come to light than was known at the start of the epidemic, in addition to coughing and choking, loss of taste and smell perception and pain in the extremities are already considered. . With this knowledge, the number of asymptomatic infections can be more accurately determined in the future.

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Eight coronavirus patients have died, with nearly 20,000 infections recorded
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A 37-year-old patient also died. More than 4,500 have already recovered from the disease.