According to Gábor Kemenesi, they still do not know if it is a problem to vaccinate someone as an asymptomatic coronavirus against influenza.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, although the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Only a healthy person can get a flu shot, but for now, GPs don’t even know how to check a patient for coronavirus. István Cserni, general practitioner of Verőce, vice president of the Online Organization of General Practitioners (HaOSz), told Népszava that he did not see the possibility of a doctor requesting two negative PCR tests on vaccinated people to confirm coronavirus-free status. .

Gábor Kemenesi told the newspaper that they do not yet know if someone could get a flu vaccine as asymptomatic covid. According to the virologist, experience shows that it is not good to administer the flu vaccine to people with upper respiratory diseases, for example, because then the immune system is “busy”, so the vaccine will not be as effective and will not be able to elicit an adequate immune response.

According to Kemenesi, now there is something else that is causing a big problem. According to him, the active ingredient in the current flu vaccine is always collected based on which virus caused the diseases in the given cycle in the southern hemisphere, but the measures introduced this year due to the Covid-19 disease have practically stopped the epidemic of flu there, so now it is not known. which strain of virus may become dominant in the northern hemisphere.

It’s a problem for GPs who are currently only paid for the flu shot if they reach a certain vaccination rate across the district, but this is always only revealed in hindsight how much of this threshold is. Another problem is that, for example, in a district of 1,500 people, it is enough to give 450 vaccines for a 30 percent vaccine, the same proportion means to vaccinate already 900 patients in a practice of 3,000 people, while the other loads of The work of the two physicians involved are unmatched.

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According to Hungarian virologists, it is better to order a flu shot this year.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and leading professional organizations are encouraging people to get vaccinated against the flu because it can reduce the burden on health. This is because hospitals also have to deal with coronavirus cases, while flu season is coming soon.

You can consciously plan in Orbán: the peak of the epidemic has exploded before the most severe flu season

Ivan László Nagy
At home

A carefully chosen strategy could be behind the epidemic peak announced by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in late December and early January, an expert said. The timing would be ideal because then the strong coronavirus epidemic would not slide with the annual flu.