Last day there was a record number of 292 new coronavirus infections. According to the rector of Semmelweis University, this means that the second wave of the epidemic has reached Hungary. Béla Merkely hopes this is milder than the first, because the disease is now more likely to be contracted by young people, most of whom are more likely to survive.

Merkely told RTL Híradó that he had previously believed that the second wave would arrive in late September after starting school. But abroad, in surrounding countries, tourists were able to bring home a greater amount of the virus, because in several countries, in essence, the first wave spread during the summer. It is very difficult to disassociate ourselves from neighboring countries in the heart of Central Europe, she added.

According to Merkely, this summer he could have missed a vacation abroad. However, many went to Croatia and said that this was the main reason for the introduction of the virus. The specialist would focus advocacy on schools, health, and social care systems.

In relation to the final of the Super Cup held in Budapest, the European footballer said it could be held safely. But according to the rector, everything depends on strict compliance with the rules. For example, for fans to wear a mask and only sit in one in three chairs.

Prime Minister Gergely Gulyás said Friday that he was scheduled to admit 6,000 foreign supporters, but that they should all have two negative tests. They would be transported immediately from the airport to the stadium and segregated. A total of 20,000 fans can sit in the 60,000-seat Puskás Arena. The international federation has not yet agreed with the proposal.

However, according to Balázs Barkóczi, a DK spokesman, the prime minister’s hobby is more important than the health of his own citizens.

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Virologist: it is dangerous to increase the number of virus deniers and epidemics in Hungary


Ferenc Jakab, director of the virus laboratory at the János Szentágothai Research Center at the University of Pécs, considers it dangerous that the number of virus and epidemic and anti-vaccine deniers in Hungary has increased. He said that research on Hungarian anti-coronavirus drugs is progressing well.