112 emergency call operators can now also see where the caller is calling from. The novelty also works on Android and iOS devices.

A new function has been added to the 112 emergency call line: some iOS and Android smartphones automatically transmit the emergency call location data to the police center, helping the call operator determine the location of the emergency call more quickly and accurately, said NISZ Zrt. And the Chief of the National Police ORFK).

In Hungary, 112 was introduced in 2013 as a single European emergency number, which can be called free of charge from both landlines and mobile phones anywhere in the European Union. 112 has not replaced the existing national emergency numbers, it operates in parallel with them and can only be called in the event of an emergency that endangers human life or the environment; malicious and bogus calls place an excessive load on the system. To receive calls, the National Police Headquarters established two national Call Reception Centers in Miskolc and Szombathely. Emergency calls are received by qualified operators who directly coordinate assistance activities, including ambulances, disaster management or police preparedness units.

[A Mentők kérik: mindenki mihamarabb tegye fel a mobiljára ezt az ingyenes ÉletMentő alkalmazást]

The Unified Emergency Calling System in Hungary is operated by NISZ Zrt. After development implementation, NISZ Zrt. Introduced AML (Advanced Mobile Location) function in Hungary, which helps the call operator to determine the location of the emergency request more quickly and accurately. As written, with much more inaccurate positioning than the above, AML can be used to identify the location of an emergency call with an accuracy of up to 5 meters in the event that the call is made from an iOS or Android smartphone. .

The AML function saves valuable time for call answering centers by transmitting the coordinates of the call location directly at the start of the call. It has also been reported that mobile phone users do not need to install any application, at the same time they call 112, the phone automatically activates the function and transmits the location data directly to the nearest Call Center. AML activation requires Android OS 4.1 (Google Play Services 9.0) or higher, while iPhones require a minimum of iOS 13.4.

The announcement also announced that the AML feature has been successfully introduced in various countries around the world. It is only activated when you call 112, and the position information is only displayed in the Call Centers from the device from which the emergency call was made. AML is available for free on the network of the largest national mobile operator in Hungary: Magyar Telekom, Telenor and Vodafone. They also reported that during the implementation of the function in Hungary, ORFK and NISZ Zrt. They placed great emphasis on the secure transmission of data, so the location data transmitted by the AML function can only be used by the centers for activities related to emergency calls.

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