Researchers at the University of Oxford have developed a process that can use simple materials to convert carbon dioxide into jet fuel.

Professionals have been working for many years to somehow reduce CO2 emissions from airplanes. One possible alternative is electrically powered aircraft: Airbus development could carry passengers as early as 2035, but magniX development is also promising.

The situation, however, is that the use of electric aircraft and alternative fuels is not a practical solution in all situations. At the moment, batteries remain a serious obstacle to the development of electric aircraft, as they are heavy and can only store enough energy for relatively short distances.

It may take a few more years to solve this problem, but the good news is that scientists at the University of Oxford have been able to find a temporary solution to reduce the environmental impact of airplanes in the meantime.

A Cabling According to their report, professionals have succeeded in converting carbon dioxide into a suitable fuel for jet engines. Engineers added citric acid, hydrogen, and an iron-manganese-potassium catalyst to carbon dioxide during heating, which was successfully converted to liquid fuel.

According to experts, their method has several advantages, namely

Not only is it cheap and easy to make, it requires common materials.

While the solution is promising, there are still several issues that need to be addressed. For one thing, even under laboratory conditions, a few grams of fuel have been produced which, to put it mildly, is small. Also, there is a need for efficient systems that can extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere without emitting pollutants, otherwise the process will not make much sense.

However, the researchers emphasize that there is no scientific obstacle to applying the method, making it easy for aviation to become carbon neutral sooner than expected.

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