Csaba balogh

Without exaggeration, the moisture protection made by the Hungarian Kollabor with 3D printing can bring people with glasses back to life for the next several months. What you know sounds good on paper too, but we didn’t like that very much: we tested it. Tried.

“Compounding what it is anyway.” The cumulative downside of the coronavirus epidemic, the mandatory use of the mask that was introduced to slow it down, and the cold, cold weather couldn’t be described much better than the previous index daily (half). Even if all the layers available in the optics are ordered for the lens (we tested it), the glasses will moderate indoors indoors and a lot outdoors.

Then there are the practices that have been circulating on the internet since spring, like an Italian doctor’s suggestion we wrote, that only worked at the time, but in cold weather are essentially worthless. (Or at least they would require precision bending which is difficult to perform.) This is because steam escapes from the mask, rises like hot air, and in our experience can even blur the field of vision to an accident-prone level during a longer walk.

After the various internships, we thought about giving the NoPara a chance prepared by the Collabor Natural Science Experience Center in Békéscsaba. called a vapor barrier. The science and technology workshop makes the small accessory with 3D printing. That is, from a bioplastic made from cornstarch called PLA. (In this way they do not pollute the environment either).

Before using the device, a mask must be inserted, that is, its reinforcing rod must be inserted into the plastic. For those who at first glance would not be clear how, the short video of the contributors will help.

Because sewn-on masks are so diverse, they can be one that falls off the vapor barrier or is so thick that it can’t even fit into it. But the mission is not impossible: according to the product description, the device can be used well with 90 percent of textile masks. We tested it with a surgical mask, because the little frame is the official size for that.

The placement on the head was also fluid. According to the manufacturer, it is important that the device rests on the nasal cavity and that the part that faces the face is level with the face. During our test, we tried different positions and came to the conclusion that a tip is not necessary here: if you handle it up and down, you will quickly figure out where you need to place the humidifier in order for it to do its job.

What was really smooth only came after it was put on. We not only looked inside, but we went out into the street and there. After the last few weeks, it has been an uplifting experience that only viewers can experience. We don’t want to get into kitsch, so let’s cut it short:

the Collabor NoPara! humidifier works.

Importantly, this does not mean 100 percent. In our experience, condensation can appear on the top and outside corners of glasses from time to time. It’s actually just a bit, minimally confusing. If the vapor condensation disturbance in the case of wearing a single mask + goggles is evaluated as 9 out of 10 points, then the mentioned phenomenon is 1 out of 10 points in the case of a mask + goggles + dehumidifier. Or scared.

There are two sizes of the 1200 forint device. Kollabor’s page also has exact dimensions in millimeters, but perhaps the thing can be summed up – this is our opinion, not the official guide – that

For those with a medium head and nose size, size M is appropriate, and for the smallest, the case S.

It is already part of the description in the official data sheet that whoever carries a poorly sized dehumidifier will have a space of a few millimeters between the device and their face where hot and humid air can flow upwards and the protection will not work.

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