Technology: Is the Hungarian Facebook here? Hundub is one of the worst things that could have happened to the Internet


We received a press release about the launch of the Hungary-based community site called Hundub on December 10, but we didn’t think it was worth talking about, so we didn’t dig into or write about it. Now we have taken a closer look at it, and what we have seen is not so worth mentioning as writing about it.

Painful deficiencies

The demanding nature of the page creators already draws attention on the home page. In the case of other services, we may be used to logging into the system in addition to our own username + password pair, for example with a Google or Facebook account. It seems that this will also be possible in the case of Hundub, but for the moment, under the login button, we will only find one and there is an “Or enter” sign on the left. Imagine that on the landing page of a caliber service of Facebook, Google or Zoom for days, weeks there is an abandoned phrase without the corresponding buttons.

Registration is simple, perhaps too easy: just enter your email address, username and password, and gender. For example, no name or date of birth. This in itself would not be a problem, there are such social platforms around the world that do not request this data. However, this lack of data is painful for Hundub, which not only offers a dating feature, but is turned on by default for all users. Just think 14-year-olds who are drawn to 60-year-olds drawn to, not detailed algorithms, adventurous chats at best, worse, perhaps dangerous. But we would not even think of such an extreme case, annoying with any age couple, if a dating function is not expected to show all registered users: it is a real person. Most dating services want to excel by trying to provide their users with real candidates by all means. (We add that in the case of Hundub, the bug is also buggy: even though the dating feature is turned on by default, and even though we saved the settings manually, so far no dating help points have appeared anywhere) .

During registration we agree to the Hundub Terms of Use, which a layman may find to be nothing more than the set of rules by which a normal parent admits their child to school. Facebook’s terms of use look like this, Twitter and its rules so. You don’t need to read it, just take a look at its length and complexity to stand out – since Debrecen, the online world seems too simple.

The modesty already mentioned on the landing page continues on the landing page after entry. Where nothing greeted us at first, it was just a spelling mistake – the site developers unfortunately couldn’t get past the elementary school class where it was about typing the word “say” with two d’s in the prompt mode. Also, the sentence in question is not complete:

Create your first post! Tell me what happened

– if we guess correctly, it is also missing the letter d and a comma.

If we go beyond the challenges of the Hungarian language and look around the system, we won’t be surprised. Unfortunately. Presumably the independent thoughts of the creators of the Hundub were left behind on the train, or they may have gotten off on the road, unknowingly, it’s just true that they didn’t get here. The Hundubon, registered at the beginning of the article and registered in Debrecen, has the atmosphere, the features and the functions of Facebook one by one, while obviously one could find a social site with a completely different logic. There would be an undeniable need for such a fresh vision: it would be time to think of something that is not Facebook 2.0, but something completely different, instead of the increasingly boring Facebook for many. (By the way, there is one: among other things, this explains the success of Chinese TikTok.)

One of the symptoms of an unfortunate copy is the Hundub messenger, for example:, and it is a shame to post a screenshot, because everyone can see what it looks like when you open your messages on Facebook.

The similarity is even evident in the reactions to a single post: the developers came up with their own idea to put a “Big Brother Commissioner would ban” sign at the end of the line. The bottom row shows Facebook and the top row shows Hundub’s reaction signal selection.

What is, would not be

What Big Brother would forbid, we immediately proved.

A few weeks after launching a social site from the void in kong, that’s perfectly normal. Only a few “content providers” thought they were already starting to promote their content on Hundub, so the system could only offer us articles, videos and pages from a selection of their materials.

Right away, the first offer we found was a site called The interesting thing about this is that all the relevant social service providers are fighting against such content – they are trying to make it impossible, to remove it. Hundubon, on the other hand, is not only recommended by the system, but the operators have even given their sealed approval of “Verified Site” to the “HunDub Site of and”. It is quickly discovered why this is dangerous: in the content of the site, for example, the vaccines against the coronavirus (that spread scientifically unfounded lies that have been refuted a thousand times) and “The biggest electoral fraud in world history” are now known such as the November US presidential election reviewed by all US government agencies, and these agencies operate under the Trump administration).

Therefore, these are not only banned, but even explicitly recommended by the “little brother”, Hundub.

I will post because posting is a pleasure

Hundub’s team believes that if the object prizes were already in use in the Wheel of Fortune quiz from the nineties, they will be working here too. What is being spread on Facebook as a scam is the harsh reality here.

“We reward your activity on the site with points and based on the points you accumulate, you can enter a raffle every month where you can win valuable prizes,” write the creators of the site, displaying a list of prizes immediately.

Now let’s ignore how lucky we are to be lured in December 2020 to travel abroad and even around the world. Instead, let’s look at its bright side: Hundub has enough realists to see that the dog wouldn’t post anything if they didn’t give him a smart TV. But let’s not rule out the possibility that not many do either.

Now what is this all about?

The description of the service is as follows. “Hundub is an independent social network based in Hungary. This is also reflected in the name, as “hun” refers to Hungarians, while “dub” has a double meaning. On the one hand, an old Hungarian word, which means “hive”, which symbolizes the participants gathered in a well organized network, at the same time, in the world of cinema, “hundub” also means Hungarian sound “.

But what does Hundub mean on the internet? A junk Facebook tap, with hard-to-read letters, blurry graphics here and there, free of new ideas.

It’s a fact independent of Hundub: The Hungarian government has long been tired of Facebook waiting for the evidence behind the allegations to be distributed to the general public and limiting access to the rumors beyond verifiable allegations. On the other hand, in the case of the October by-elections, we saw Facebook’s advertising bill slide above 5 million HUF in the case of a single government party candidate in Borsod County, which is why the government is just as happy to use Facebook’s advertising tools as the opposition.

It is no longer independent from the Hundub, but it is also a fact that the site is close to the government on Sunday. Hungarian nation The author of the article had no problem, not even Csaba Pál’s executive statement that “the old iWiW served as a guide” for Hundub, while for those who are not blind, it is quite clear that Hundub looks just like Facebook. (THE 24.huThere was also an article on bugs that wasn’t about bugs, but it’s important to note that this is paid and indicated PR material.)

On the other hand, it’s just Hadházy’s science fiction that “the Hungarian government bans Facebook”, and let’s be prepared for the fact that “deep Hungarian supplemental nesting should only be used instead”.

The money and intention behind Hundub are still unclear, but the Hungarian character is not reinforced by the fact that one of the owners behind Hundub Kft., An offshore company registered in Belize in July this year, is Murmurati. Limited. On the other hand, it is clearer than the day this money is wasted. In addition to the fact that when almost all Hungarian Internet users are active on Facebook, you cannot take an “equal but worse” type of service seriously. Which, of course, does not mean that no one uses it.

After all, in your dream, even the tram sounds a little. Close your blue eyes from Facebook. And the sky.
