They dismissed the introduction of the so-called hybrid education system at the Eötvös Lóránd University Faculty of Sciences after the epidemic situation deteriorated much faster than faculty leaders expected. The dean banned attendance at all lectures and seminars at the faculty. At the moment, laboratory and field exercises that are difficult to perform online can be performed in the traditional way.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

The number of new infections has risen rapidly in recent days, with the daily indicator counting 292 on Sunday morning, which is not only a lot in itself, but also a notable increase compared to the 91- data set. 132-158 people in the previous days. Miklós Kásler, head of public education, also spoke this Sunday morning that, in addition to strict compliance with epidemiological regulations, the beginning of the school year can begin in the traditional way, and the country’s higher education institutions only think about large-scale online conferences. and protect yourself with disinfectant.

[Merkely: Százezrek külföldön nyaraltak, ezért kezdődött hamarabb a második hullám]

The information released by the Eötvös Loránd University on Sunday evening raises important points. “Compared to the situation, even a few days ago, there is a significant increase in the risk that attendance education, even in its originally planned limited form, will lead to the spread of infection chains on campus. This risk has reached a level that we do not consider acceptable, in order to protect the health of our colleagues and students “- reads the communication signed by Dean Imre Kacskovics.

University students and university centers

The text highlights, according to the leadership, that “the wave of infections in recent days affects a very high proportion of university students, many sources of contagion may be linked to university events (not ELTE!) And, to a large extent, to discos visited by young people. ” Therefore, seeing the increasing number of infections in recent days, the management of the dean of ELTE TTK decided

prohibits, with immediate effect, the holding of all lectures and face-to-face seminar exercises.

According to the decision, these types of lessons must be taught online from August 31. In the face-to-face way, the teaching of laboratory practices, professional practices and field-type subjects can be continued, according to the justification, because face-to-face education is especially important for the acquisition of the curriculum.

The direction of the institution will review in the coming days if it is necessary to adapt the study plan to the new situation.

A British study published in recent days found that children and young people are much less likely to develop severe coronavirus disease than adults, so “parents can be sure that their children are not in danger if they return to school. school”. But, on the one hand, only those under the age of 19, that is, the vast majority of high school students, were included in this research and, on the other hand, the scientists did not examine the impact of young people on their families and the society as a whole.

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