HBO will begin the transition to HBO Max across Europe next year, the television company’s national office said Thursday night. It also turned out that next year, many movies will be available from the day of the cinema premiere.

Andy Forssell, director of HBO Max Global, announced in a talk at the Web Summit on Thursday that HBO’s European streaming services will begin migrating from the current HBO GO service to HBO Max in the second half of 2021.

HBO Go basically translates the offerings of a movie channel that can be seen on television into a format that can be seen at any time. Launched in the US and Canada in late May of this year, HBO Max also offers TV shows, series, and theaters from the owner’s WarnerMedia. The new service, which also reaches Europe, among other things

Content is available from CNN, Cartoon Network, TNT, as well as DC Comics, New Line Cinema, and of course a wider selection of Warner Bros. movies.

Also Thursday’s announcement that all films from Warner Bros. studios will be available on the HBO Max sale in 2021 from the day they are released.

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