The mutant Brazilian virus “bypasses” the antibodies that the body produces after the CoronaVac vaccine.

Coronavirus – the second year

More than a year has passed since the Chinese authorities informed the WHO of the emergence of a new, rapidly spreading virus. Since then, there has hardly been a person in the world who has not heard the term Covid-19, and more and more people are mourning the family member or friend with whom the new disease ended as stocks collapsed in weeks and our entire lives. they were rewritten. by the epidemic. By now, the vaccines have been completed, which in turn raises not only hope, but again a lot of questions, while not only stopping the virus, but also threatening another mutation. You will find the details of this fight in our series of articles.

A variant of the coronavirus discovered in the northwestern Amazon state of Brazil has the ability to “bypass” the antibodies produced in the body by a vaccine from the Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinovac Biotech called CoronaVac, according to a preliminary study by two Brazilian universities. The findings come from an experiment in which eight patients were vaccinated with two doses of the Chinese vaccine, the most widely used in the South American country to date.

Scientists from the University of Sao Paulo (USP) and the University of Campinas (Unicamp) took plasma from the volunteers and studied the effectiveness of CoronaVac against the Brazilian strain of the virus. As the researchers reported:

The data suggest that P.1 (the Brazilian variant) may avoid the neutralizing antibodies produced by an inactivated virus-based vaccine such as CoronaVac.

However, the report’s authors stated that more studies based on multiple samples were needed to confirm their conclusions. In his opinion, to avoid further spread of the Brazilian strain of the virus, it may be necessary to administer a third dose of the modified Brazilian vaccine or other variants.

This is not the first disappointing news about Sinovac. In January, the Brazilian health institution responsible for testing the Chinese vaccine said CoronaVac had been shown to be only 50 percent effective in practice.

CoronaVac is not the same as the Chinese Sinopharm vaccine, which is also used in Hungary.

The Brazilian variant has already appeared in 17 of the 27 states of the South American country. Brazil, with a population of more than 200 million, has the third highest number of coronavirus infections in the world, 10.6 million, although health experts say the number could be up to 2-3 times higher. Nearly 256,000 deaths have been recorded in the country due to the infection, the second largest in the world.

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János Áder was vaccinated with the Chinese vaccine

Life + Style

His GP recommended him to the President of the Republic.

The Amazon virus mutation is three times more contagious, according to the Brazilian minister


The number of infected people in the South American country has skyrocketed in recent months.