According to Erzsébet Pusztai, the actual number of infected people is much higher than the public data.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

“There are many more infected than we see in the data,” he said. British television channelErzsébet Pusztai is an infectologist who says that in a few weeks, not only the infected but also the dead could jump.

“You can go up to 100-150, we see these numbers in other parts of the world. Therefore, it would be very important for the government to say that if it is not looking at the number of infected people, but the death toll, then it believes that there is a limit when the measures taken so far will change, “said the expert on the program.

US epidemic modelers previously warned that if the situation in Hungary does not change, Covid-19 could be the victim of more than 12,500 deaths by the end of the year.

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