Object 2014 SD224 travels at 10 kilometers per second. NASA says it will pass us without a hitch.

Christmas will not be missed this year either, it will be a little different as much from what we expected and how we used to do it. We will have to compromise, we may have to make sacrifices, but in the end it is a celebration of love and as such a strong bond between us. Stick to many things. Stay tuned with us!

On Friday, December 25, 2014, asteroid SD224 will approach Earth at around 10 am Hungarian time, NASA reported. The facility is approximately 200 meters in size and approximately two soccer fields.

Experts have also calculated that the asteroid will travel at 10 kilometers per second and will be at 0.019 astronomical units from Earth on Friday night. This is estimated to mean a distance of about 3 million kilometers in terms of the ordinary unit of measurement. That is to say:

approaching, but not dangerously close, the asteroid passes us smoothly.

The asteroid was discovered in 2014 by the space agency (hence the 2014 designation in the name). In terms of its type, it is classified as an asthenic asteroid, which means that its orbital period is less than 1 year, and most of the trajectory of these objects takes within the orbit.

The universe is also filled with much larger asteroids that would wipe out entire cities in the event of an impact.

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The Japanese space capsule has returned to Earth in patterns of 4.6 billion years

MTI / hvg.hu

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