The app can be of great help in identifying important contacts in relation to the spread of a coronavirus epidemic.

The purpose of the voluntary download app is to help with the search for contacts, as infected people often don’t remember exactly who they knew or don’t know, but the app can also identify them.

ITM has launched 25 research projects to prevent the spread of the virus, one of which is the VirusRadar application, Károly Balázs Solymár told the MTI to the Undersecretaries of State of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM).

The application uses the radio signal, the bluetooth connection of mobile phones, which runs continuously in the background to record the unique and encrypted identifications of the devices that are in the vicinity of two meters for at least a quarter of an hour. The use of the application is voluntary. The software can also be downloaded for free on Apple devices and Android devices.

In case of infection, the user can decide whether to share the data recorded by the phone with epidemiologists.

Incoming data is stored on the servers of the Government Informatics and Development Agency (KIFÜ) and is only accessible to contact research professionals through the query interface designed for this purpose.

Only the phone numbers of the users and the pseudonymous ID assigned to them are stored on the central server, which can only be accessed by epidemiologists if necessary.

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