In connection with the coronavirus epidemic, it has also started to spread in the past that the use of mouthwashes can cure an infected patient. A team of scientists also followed this.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

A lot of false information about the coronavirus, as well as the cure for the disease and the destruction of the pathogen, has begun to circulate on the Internet, and its spread has probably not been slowed by findings such as

Patients must be injected with disinfectant to kill the virus.

It is at least one degree more viable to suggest that mouthwash can kill the coronavirus, thus preventing infection. The two-part statement is worth examining.

Experts who study the chemical composition of mouthwashes have found that there are some that can actually kill the coronavirus, but that does not mean that they can prevent infection, much less cure the person of the disease.

Researchers from the Ruhr University in Germany a Journal of infectious diseases published their research findings on the subject in the scientific journal. According to them, only mouthwashes used for medical purposes can kill the coronavirus, as they contain components such as chlorhexidine, peroxide, and fluoride that can render the virus harmless.

Studies in the lab showed that each of the eight mouthwashes they tested completed the coronavirus in 30 seconds. According to their post, Dequonal, Iso-Betadine, and Listerine (Cool Mint) were able to drastically reduce virus levels.

[Semmelweis Egyetem: Ezt művelte 18 nap alatt egy magyar beteg tüdejével a koronavírus]

However, researchers have also warned that its effects are only temporary, and that the virus enters the body much more easily if there is also damage to the oral cavity. Not to mention, the coronavirus can enter the body through the nose.

Therefore, it can be said that mouthwash can have a viral destruction effect, but in daily conditions, the use of mouthwash is not suitable for control.

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