Ferenc Jakab, director of the virus laboratory at the János Szentágothai Research Center at the University of Pécs, considers it dangerous that the number of virus and epidemic and anti-vaccine deniers in Hungary has increased. He said that research on Hungarian anti-coronavirus drugs is progressing well.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the spring, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

In an interview with novekedes.hu, the virologist described as unfortunate that many people no longer take the use of the mask and distance seriously, consider precautions unnecessary and prefer to believe that there is only panic, that there is no real epidemic. Airborne contagion could have serious consequences if the epidemiologist’s camp grows, since it is enough to get on the bus without a single “infected person who is considered more knowledgeable than professionals” and disappear, he stressed.

He added that stepping up the vaccine may also prevent the coronavirus epidemic from slowing down. Without vaccines, hundreds of thousands of lives would still be plagued by polio, another hundred thousand lives would be claimed from smallpox or measles, he said, emphasizing that if the vaccine gets stronger, it would be a serious threat to the entire population, not just the spread of the coronavirus.

Ferenc Jakab also spoke about the fact that 139 vaccine development projects are currently underway around the world, 28 of which are already in clinical trials, including the latest human trials with 6 vaccines. It will take longer to fully evaluate them, but the first results will be available by the end of this year, early next year, allowing the vaccine to be licensed, to begin mass production, and perhaps to start vaccines in the first half of next year. he thought. He added that this will be a very important step because vaccination remains the only real solution to curb the epidemic.

Regarding the Russian vaccine, he said that the technology they use has been used for a long time, so it may work in theory, but in reality nothing can be said for or against the Russian vaccine, since they have not been published scientific publications about it, only that it has been completed and approved. However, the virologist shares the concern that the vaccine was registered before it was tested in many people, and phase 3 studies are just beginning.

So far, 450 active substances have been tested in the Pécs virus laboratory, five of which are promising because they have managed to reduce the infectivity of the virus under very good conditions under laboratory conditions. With an active ingredient called azelastine, Austrian biotech company Cebina is already planning a clinical trial, which could signify a new therapeutic drug to treat coronavirus infection. Laboratory testing of a new coronavirus vaccine with the Austrian company is also scheduled to start soon in Pécs, he explained.

Regarding the Hungarian anti-coronavirus drug developed by the consortium led by Imre Kacskovics, he said: it is a new combination of proteins, which is a priority project. The drug works excellently in cells living under laboratory conditions, which is why Ferenc Jakab is confident that it will also work in clinical trials.


According to the virologist, it is also conceivable that there is not a single drug against coronavirus, but, depending on the age of the patient and the stage of infection, different drugs should be used together or sequentially.

Ferenc Jakab was also asked whether, at the beginning of school, the low level of infection experienced by children could be trusted to be maintained. To this he responded that children under the age of ten are infected with the virus in the same way as older people, only that they go through the disease asymptomatically or with mild symptoms. One reason for this may be that children are more likely to encounter other cold corona viruses that provide minimal cross-protection, he said.

He explained that statistics show fewer deaths in Europe than before: more young people are now recovering from the disease and, in the case of reinfection, the symptoms are much milder than the first time.

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