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The end of Donald Trump’s career on Twitter and months of rage. The service provider has decided to permanently suspend the US President’s access or make all previous entries on the channel unavailable after temporarily restricting Trump’s access.

There is a void in those who visit the Twitter channel of the outgoing president of the United States. THE twitter.com/realDonaldTrump now only visible: account suspended.

The service provider decided to temporarily ban Trump early Thursday morning after the president failed to unequivocally condemn his supporters besieging the Capitol, where he was crushed by crushing and clashed with police. The restriction was for 12 noon that day and only meant that the president did not have access to his channel, but his previous content was still available. Now there was nothing left of the sewer. (Entries have been posted to Trump’s Twitter archive for years and can be viewed there.)

Already on Thursday, Twitter warned that the temporary restriction could be followed by a permanent ban if Trump continues to incite his followers by saying that the election result, now accepted as authentic by all existing authorities and official bodies, should not be accepted because it is has produced a fraud. When the outgoing president failed in the election, he had access to the channel again, the company said it made relevant allusions again.

The microblogging service provider said at 12:21 a.m. Saturday in Hungary that, after careful consideration, it had come to light that if Donald Trump could continue to use his channel, there was a possibility that he would incite his supporters to violence again, and that the president was often impulsive. your words can inspire others to be upset.

In accordance with Twitter policy, if a banned user possibly starts a new channel, it will be suspended immediately after it is discovered.

Twitter was Donald Trump’s favorite online communication tool. Even before he was elected president in 2016, he was happy to use it in his campaign. And as the leader of the United States, he often announced specific personal and political decisions on his Twitter channel.

The president has yet to be released by Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote on Thursday of an “indefinite ban.”

Click here to read our analysis of what Trump may have done to himself in recent years due to his activities and communication style on Twitter and Facebook.

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