Telekom promises unlimited and greater flexibility to its retail clients with the introduction of its mobile and fixed rate packages, which will be renewed on September 4.

At the domestic level, it is a change that the price of Telekom’s faster cable Internet service, which offers 2,000 megabits of download speed, will decrease from HUF 11,250 to HUF 10,025 at list price, that is, without discounts that are deduct from this amount. At the same time, the offer of channels in various TV packages will be increased: the offer of the basic package will be expanded with 13 HD channels. The most popular Super Family HD package channel offering will be expanded with 12 HD streams, offering a total of 108 SD channels and 46 HD channels to subscribers.

There will be even more changes on the moving front.

The Mobil S package contains 50 minutes, while the Mobil M package contains 30 minutes or unlimited SMS within the network. Mobil L offers unlimited calling and SMS sending to any national address, while Mobil XL subscribers can make free calls to all basic addresses within the EU.

The operator significantly simplifies its mobile network offering, with customers choosing between three options plus one. The basic package called Net 4 GB offers 4 GB for 2,190 guilders. The next level is the Net package with a 15GB name and content, which costs HUF 4,990. What the two packages have in common is that the most popular applications (Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, Waze, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, Deezer) can be used for free, that is, they do not consume the monthly budget) .

Magyar Telekom Headquarters


Telekom also offers an unlimited mobile internet package. Gigaős Net costs HUF 7,990 per month, and Gigaős Net +, which is available as a mutation, costs HUF 9,990 because the service provider provides two MultiSIMs in exchange for the extra money, with which a subscription is on two devices other than the phone (for example, smart watch, tablet). it also becomes usable. (The two unlimited mobile packages also differ in that they contain 20GB of EU data traffic instead of the larger 15GB.)

By default, subscribers to both unlimited data packages will receive the 5G option, which requires a 5G-capable device as well as 5G area coverage for Telekom, and can use the maximum speed available on the network without restrictions.

Changes in Magenta 1

The company continues to offer the Magenta 1 discount package, but there are changes to that as well. The point remains: anyone who subscribes to at least two home services (phone, Internet, TV) and a mobile service on Telekom will receive a 30 percent monthly discount on each item. Magenta 1 can include packages of new homes and new mobiles, but the company will no longer double the amount of data included in the latter. (In the explanatory memorandum, Telekom states that the new network packets already contain much more data traffic than the old ones).

Anyone who includes multiple mobile subscriptions in the Magenta 1 package has the added benefit of getting unlimited mobile internet for half the price.

The Magenta 1 line of discounts continues to include an unlimited TV movie data option, allowing customers to watch HBO GO and TV GO without data restrictions and counting.

The Magenta 1 still have the net warranty service. The essence of this is that if a technical interruption or additional consultation is required to rectify the faulty telephone or cable Internet service, Telekom will activate the unlimited Internet connection for 72 hours and the 60-minute call within the home network for the duration of the failure, for all subscriptions included in the Magenta 1 discount package.

Telekom emphasizes in its announcement that the new rates can be requested not only by new customers, but also by existing users, but this requires an explicit request, and existing packages will not be automatically replaced by the company.

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