Starting next January, drones will be able to fly in Hungary according to the new rules. Part of the adjustment is the mandatory use of the state mobile app.

As of January, unmanned aircraft can only fly using the official HungaroControl app, according to a bill from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM). In order to increase flight safety, drone operators can use the mobile program to learn about the use of airspace, restricted or prohibited areas, the ministry said on Wednesday.

The ministry explains that general EU regulations on unmanned aerial vehicles came into effect last summer. Additional regulations that establish the execution of flights and operating conditions should have been applied from July this year, but due to the coronavirus pandemic, this deadline has been extended until the end of 2020. The creation of certain detailed rules continues being the responsibility of the Member States, and the ITM proposal contains elements of the new national regulation of drones at the legal level. The draft creates the necessary framework for safe operation, flexible and innovative use of drones.

In the future, the aviation authority will keep records of aircraft, UAV systems and their operators. Hungarian airspace can only be used by registered vehicles.

The new regulation introduces unmanned aerial vehicles game the term “aircraft” means a drill weighing less than 120 grams and which cannot move more than 100 meters from the operator. These vehicles will not be subject to registration.

The amendment related to the Aviation Law establishes the basic rules related to the website and the mobile application operated by HungaroControl Zrt. With some exceptions, the use of an application that provides up-to-date airspace information and informs drones about restrictions will be mandatory.

[Hazakísérnek a sötét utcán, otthon belemásznak a táskánkba – ilyenek lehetnek a jövő drónjai]

The regulation also provides greater protection for the fundamental rights to privacy and peace of the home.

Under the proposed provisions, an unmanned aircraft can only be used in ad hoc airspace over populated areas. Gaming drones are also exempt from this requirement.

The designation of an ad hoc airspace for a maximum of seven days may continue to be requested from the military aviation authority, failing which, drone within a populated area will be considered a traffic offense. For the sake of a quiet family life, a person who takes a photograph of their other apartment or occupants without the consent of the persons concerned may be held liable for a violation of privacy.

Hungary wants to play a leading role in spreading drone technology, at least at the regional level. With drone-based services, the level of innovation, profitability, value creation and economic recovery of companies can be significantly increased. The diffusion of the technology will bring a series of additional benefits, and its positive effects will be felt, among other things, in the development of software, a cheaper maintenance of agricultural land or a more effective investigation and rescue, states the communication.

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