Due to a legal dispute that broke out between Epic Games and Apple, the latter recently decided to revoke all access to the American publisher. And a few years ago, even with the publisher’s games, the hardware power of iPhones was promoted.

Suspended by Epic Games, i.e. Fortnite Apple’s App Store user account, which is another consequence of a legal dispute between the two companies, the Engadget. According to the decision, Epic Games will not be able to make more games for the mobile devices of the Apple company, that is, the iPhone and the iPad.

Epic Games has attacked Apple multiple times in the past for saying that the US manufacturer is charging a heavy price on in-app purchases. In response, Epic launched a special discount on its own platform. Fortnite digital assets, of which Apple did not earn a penny. Tim Cooks has been so drawn to this that the game (and every other Epices show)

he was immediately kicked out of the Apple software store.

The iPhone maker has now announced in a new announcement that its Epic account on the App Store has been suspended because the company says it has seriously violated its rules. Apple said they were sad that the case had to get worse so far because they had been working with Epic for years, bringing several of their programs to success with the help of Apple. It’s not a marketing text, as more Epic games have appeared in Apple releases than the mobile game that takes full advantage of the new iPhone’s hardware, like the hit Infinity Blade, which debuted in the 2010. series.

Epic Games has yet to respond to the decision, but has previously said that Apple is preparing for serious retaliation for not being crushed.

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