The Russian, Chinese and Vietnamese hackers tried to launch an overload attack against domestic financial institutions, but they also tried to load the Magyar Telekom network.

On Thursday afternoon, Magyar Telekom detected and prevented an unprecedented scale and intensity of a cyber overload attack (DDOS), the company’s communications directorate said. The multi-wave series of attacks reached Hungary via various foreign servers, mainly from Russia, China and Vietnam.

The attack size was ten times larger than the average number of hacker attacks using similar methods, making it one of the largest home attacks of all time in terms of size and complexity.

The hackers’ targets were primarily financial institutions, but the Magyar Telekom network was involved in the attack and service was suspended for a short time in some areas of Budapest. Magyar Telekom experts successfully thwarted the intrusion attempts at 5 pm, after which the services of all affected institutions continued without interruption and Telekom services were restored in the affected area.

This is an outstanding attack in terms of volume and complexity, which took time to prevent, so its impact was also noticeable for customers. At the same time, Magyar Telekom’s systems and services are subject to a series of attacks on a daily basis, which the service provider successfully repels without any of its customers noticing.

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