Scammers can even take control of the user side.

Another method of fraud has appeared on Facebook, the essence of which is that unknown persons ask the operators of certain sites to verify their user account, police said on their website.

In it is written that

In the post, they share a link disguised as a URL abbreviation that, when clicked, takes the user to the official Facebook page, allowing attackers to steal user information and also manage the Facebook page or profile.

According to the authority, the scammers have created several such pages, which often include the term “Facebook” in their name, suggesting that they may actually be linked to the service provider.

Such a page already identified is “Verified Facebook Page” or “Facebook Page Service”.

The police have indicated that they do not contact the operators of the sites in a public or private position, but rather contact them directly. The authority recommends that users change their passwords as soon as possible.

The best method is considered to be the so-called multi-factor authentication, so for example, to log in you will not only need your password, but also share the code of an authentication application or enter the authentication code received in the SMS, increasing thus the level of security of your profile.

The former editorial office of has essentially ceased to exist, the country has lost its most read online interface. This is one of the most serious blows to the independent Hungarian press and freedom of information to date. The number of independent power editorial boards is steadily declining, and those that still exist are trying to stay afloat in a growing headwind. At HVG, we persevere, not giving in to pressure to bring in national and international news every day.

That is why we ask you, our readers, to support us, support us, join our membership and renew it!

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He sued Facebook for selling camouflage on Instagram

Facebook said a service called Nakrutka sold not only fake likes, but also posts and followers on Instagram, so its representatives will now have to answer in court.

According to Facebook, there are not many Hungarians at home at risk of an epidemic.

According to data published by the social site, the majority stayed at home on a weekend in March, when between 45 and 55 percent did not do more than 600 meters in one day.