The mystery is high for now, but the space agency says the discovery will also have a major impact on future human space missions.

To update: NASA found water molecules on the moon with the help of its observatory that operates from the plane.

We wrote before:

It has found something on the moon, or at NASA, on the moon, and the discovery will be presented to the world at a large-scale online conference, the space agency said. The event will take place on October 26, which is today. The announcement can be made around 5pm Hungarian time.

NASA hasn’t revealed exactly what it is about, but all that has been revealed is that the announcement topic will go a long way toward an even deeper understanding of the Moon and will also be linked to future human space missions. NASA is determined to return to our heavenly companion, where it plans to do many things in the next few years. For example, it also paves the way for a future trip to Mars.

The subject of the announcement was discovered by NASA’s airborne observatory, SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy), at least this name is repeated in an official statement from the space agency. The equipment has been in service since May 26, 2010 and has already delivered serious discoveries during testing. The main advantage of a telescope is that it spies exactly in the range that surface telescopes are not capable of: it sees the universe in infrared.

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