After the black and white images, the first color images also came from NASA’s last orbit of Mars.

It took less than a day for the Perseverance Mars walker to transmit color images to Earth after the first black and white photographs. One of these shows the Martian landscape, now in significantly better quality:

In the second color image, you can see one of the structure’s titanium spoke wheels, as well as the Martian soil and some more interesting rock shapes:

The perseverance is still in the Jezero crater, where it arrived on Thursday, around 10 pm Hungarian time. With the landing, the United States Space Agency carried out another historic mission. Speaking of landing: a photo was also taken of the rover wheels slowly touching the planet’s surface, it is also colorful, good quality:

Perseverance will spend a year (687 Earth days) on the red planet, where he does important scientific work: collecting samples and looking for traces of Martian life.

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From the beginning, Mohamed Abid oversees that everything is in place in the march of Perseverance down to the last screw and that the structure works as dreamed of at the design table. He will also be there at NASA headquarters Thursday night to supervise the rover’s landing.