The president of the United States does not appear to have complicated the password to his Twitter account too much, which a Dutch cybersecurity expert proposed in five attempts.

In mid-summer, one of the largest – and most unsuccessful – hacker attacks against Twitter in recent years took place. At the time, they targeted 130 accounts and managed to decipher a few, such as Tim Cook, Barack Obama, Elon Musket or just Joe Biden, but Donald Trump was not hurt.

Now, however, the account of the president of the United States has been accessed, without having to attack the account. Cybersecurity expert Victor Gevers guessed the login password with noble simplicity.

The dutch By Volkskrant based on The Guardian writes, the specialist, who once managed to log into the account once in 2016, tried to log in a total of five times. The first four attempts were unsuccessful, but by the fifth, a possible password popped out of his head: 2020 itself, which is one of Trump’s slogans in this year’s presidential campaign (Make America Great Again). Turned out,

actually this password protected Donald Trump’s Twitter account.

The expert says he expected Twitter to crash even more after the fourth attempt, but that didn’t happen. He said that once he got in, he could have posted pretty much anything to his 87 million followers, and that scared him quite a bit. By the way, based on the story, it appears that Trump’s account is not protected by any additional security protections, such as two-factor authentication.


The man then tried to tell Trump’s campaign team, as well as Twitter, the CIA, the White House and the FBI, on Twitter that the president’s account was not secure, but received no response.

A day later, two-factor authentication was activated, and two days later, the United States Secret Service contacted him and thanked him for the warning.

Twitter, however, denies that such a thing has happened, as they say that the US presidential election campaign pays special attention to key user accounts.

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