Tamás Szakmány, an anesthetist and coordinator of critically ill hospital care in Wales, became a member of the British Imperial Order.

The list of those who arrived before 2021 in II. Queen Elizabeth wanted to elevate her to the category of Knights, in recognition of her merits. The long list of four full pages on the pages also includes the Hungarian name: Tamás Szakmány, a professor of medicine living in Wales, became a member of the British Imperial Order, writes Inforadio.

Professor Szakmány graduated from the Vörösmarty Grammar School in Érd, then became a doctor of anesthesiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Pécs. In 2004

He came to England to gain experience, worked in Liverpool and was informed there that layoffs were planned at the university clinic in Pécs, so he decided to stay out.

Five years ago, he became a physician and then head of the seriously ill ward at Gwent Hospital in Wales. Soon Cardiff University also reclaimed his expertise, inviting him to become a professor.

With the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, anesthesiologists were assigned an extremely important role and Professor Szakmány became the Welsh coordinator of hospital care for critically ill patients. His queen was recognized for her effective work when she became a member of the Imperial Order on her merits.

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