The source code for older Windows operating systems appeared in a 43 GB archive on the Internet. And while these are not the latest systems, it is a concern from a security point of view, which is why Microsoft has launched an internal investigation into the matter.

Microsoft reacted quite succinctly when it emerged that a 43GB file of source code for Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, and other outdated sites had appeared on various file-sharing sites after the 4chan forum earlier in the week. pass. Including code snippets for Microsoft platforms such as MS-DOS 6.0 and Windows CE. Redmond residents did not comment on the matter, but specialist Paul Thurrott managed to get a one-sentence response over the weekend: “Let’s look into the matter.”

Windows XP hasn’t been updated since April 2014, but there are still many, say, millions of old machines running such a system. Leaked source code can provide information about how Microsoft created Windows XP and can even remove features that have never been released. THE The edge for example, he discovered an early and even discarded Windows XP theme (called Candy) that mimicked the “Aqua” theme introduced in Mac OS X 2000.

Of course, the question arises why it is so bad when outdated source codes and code snippets are leaked. Although Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 are very old operating systems, source code leaks can cause serious security problems. Even a modern operating system like Windows 10 has a source code file that is the same as Windows XP. Hackers can go through old source code and even find errors that they can try to exploit in Windows 10.

Microsoft needs to find out how these files got from corporate servers to torrent sites. You can’t do much more yet, as all files are downloadable for anyone and the number of mirrors will only increase further.

By the way, this is not the first time that Windows source code / details have been leaked online, it has been the case with Windows NT 3.5, Windows 2000 and even Windows 10, as well as the original Xbox console and Xbox Series X graphics. The system codes were also available on the web.

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