Teaching will begin later in Debrecen to reduce the morning tumult


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According to the agreement between the local government and the Debrecen tank district center, teaching will start on an experimental basis in six secondary education institutions in Debrecen from 8 September at 8.30 am. An experiment of one school year is expected to extend this practice to more schools in the future, based on experience.

In the two institutions in the center of the local tank district (Csokonai Vitéz Mihály primary school; Kós Kós dormitory and art primary school) and in the two institutions of the vocational training center (Gábor Bethlen economic technical school; chemical technical school), the Post school start will be introduced on September 1. . In two institutions (András Mechwart Technical School of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics; Technical School, Vocational School and Gábor Baross College), students studying in the IT sector and those participating in technical training are presented to delay the start from school.

According to experts, the late start can ease the situation for students and teachers with young children visiting Debrecen, as well as reduce congestion in public transport vehicles, which is also important in the current epidemiological situation, reducing risks for the health, wrote the local government.
