Teachers have to work harder for the extra 500 thousand guilder money


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

  • Minister Miklós Kásler promised more than 10,000 teachers 500,000 gross HUF per head, “acknowledging and appreciating” their work with children in difficult situations that were delayed due to digital education.
  • Now it has been revealed that this will be paid for with an EU project.
  • And it’s not just extra recognition, but they expect extra work in return.

According to the announcement of Miklós Kásler, Minister of Human Resources, on Wednesday 10,500 teachers, including “people who help with pedagogical work”, will receive money in 400 settlements.

He did not reveal too many details about this, but what did appear to be that the selected teachers would receive an additional allowance for their work with children who fall behind in digital education during the summer break and the next school year.This was literally said in the ministerial video after Kassler spoke about the upcoming new school year and the epidemiological responsibilities of schools:

Interlocutor: “There are disadvantaged settlements in the country where students may be in a better situation. How does the government help these municipalities and these schools? “

Kásler: “The summer has been spent trying to make up for handicaps and delays, and this will continue to be the case in the next term. Recognizing and appreciating this work, the government has decided to allocate a gross grant of HUF 500,000 to 1,000 teachers and people who help in pedagogical work in 400 disadvantaged settlements. “

Two days later, on Friday, the Democratic Union of Teachers shared a call for an EU project on Facebook with the following text:

“Look at this one! We have something to do for 500,000 HUF. There is no doubt what Kásler said, that this money was given here to appreciate the work of educators working in disadvantaged settlements. Here it is, we will see it later. .. “The call was published on August 17, according to its heading, “to implement support for educators who work with disadvantaged students.” It aims to implement the project in schools

  • reduce educational inequalities, improve access to quality education,
  • empower students who have been disadvantaged in digital education due to their social status or otherwise,
  • reduce the risk of school dropout.

Potential settlements are determined on the basis of a 2015 government decree. 1231 underdeveloped settlements have been identified, and the winners of the contest can come from the schools that operate here, at least 300 institutions according to the call. The application includes that teachers involved in the winning schools and employees attending education will receive a gross allocation of HUF 500,000. To our question

The ministry also confirmed that the amount promised by Kásler in this tender would be paid between September 1 and January 31, 2021 “against an additional task.”In other words, it is not simply a matter of recognizing the work of teachers, but, as with all EU projects, you have to make extra money in exchange for money. According to the call

  • teachers should provide an experiential learning environment, use more digital tools,
  • strengthen digital skills, pay special attention to rebuilding the community,
  • They must incorporate the material processed during digital education into the curriculum, this must be repeated,
  • they have to deal with individual problems,
  • and the district will monitor, through an online system called CRETE, whether teachers are taking their lessons appropriately.

According to Anna Komjąhy, vice president of PDSZ, the Klebelsberg Center tried to assess at the beginning of the summer where and how many children dropped out of education during digital education. The CRETE system was also used for this, where teachers had to constantly keep track of “absentees”, that is, those who never returned the worksheets or did not show up for online classes. Komjathy said the most affected and disadvantaged schools are now being forced to catch up with children.

“They really need it because it’s not entirely certain that if a sixth grader drops out of the second semester, they can begin to learn the seventh grade material,” he said. But according to Komjathy, it is not clear on what basis they will judge whether the children have actually managed to catch up, and it is not certain that everyone can be reached by this method.

“Many disadvantaged settlements have no upper secondary education, so the children go to school in another city, which may no longer be considered disadvantaged. In such cases, the support will not reach the teachers who need to catch up with their children.

The digital curriculum hit the education system like a cold shower in March. Teachers had two days to decide what to do with the more independent high school students and high school students, how to reach children who are already problematic, especially what to do with those who do not have a computer at home.

From Facebook via Zoom to the takeout worksheets posted at the entrance, a variety of solutions were tried, but it was impossible to reach a large number of children. Some NGOs summarized the views of 425 teachers in an unrepresentative survey, which found that only 65 percent of students from large communities participated in education. And in segregated schools, a third of the students disappeared entirely, partly because they didn’t have the Internet at home, and partly because they also had to get involved in family life, supervising their younger siblings. Therefore, many NGOs called for crisis management as early as April.

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