Teachers are required to complete additional assignments for the one-time allocation of HUF 500,000


Miklós Kásler announced this week that more than 10,000 teachers working in 400 disadvantaged settlements will receive a one-time benefit of HUF 500,000. Article 444, on the other hand, shows that the Minister did not mention two things in the interview: on the one hand, that it was an EU project, and on the other hand, the teachers would receive this money “for an additional task”.

From the minister’s words, it seemed that the selected teachers would receive an additional allowance for their work, which they would do during the summer holidays and the following school year with children lagging behind in digital education. Kassler put it that way

He has spent the summer with teachers trying to make up for handicaps and delays, and this will continue to be the case in the next term. Recognizing and appreciating this work, the government decided to allocate a gross grant of HUF 500,000 to 10,500 teachers and people assisting in pedagogical work in 400 disadvantaged settlements.

But it is not simply a matter of recognizing the work of teachers, but, as with all EU projects, you have to do extra work in exchange for money, writes 444.

According to the call

  • teachers should provide an experiential learning environment, use more digital tools,
  • strengthen digital skills, pay special attention to rebuilding the community,
  • They must incorporate the material processed during digital education into the curriculum, this must be repeated,
  • they have to deal with individual problems,
  • and the district will monitor, through an online system called CRETE, whether teachers are taking their lessons appropriately.

We are updating!

The Klebelsberg Center writes in a statement that teachers do not have to apply for a gross recognition of HUF 500,000 and it is not true that teachers have to administer more.

featured photo: Márton Mohos / 24.hu
