Tamás Recomm: I am ready to quietly retire, I have four requests at the same time


For the first time, the suspended president of the International Weightlifting Association, accused of doping fraud and embezzlement, reacted to the proposed exclusion. Tamás Recommand would be removed by the Executive President, Ursula Papandrea, because, despite her suspension, she had participated in unauthorized activities and had also threatened him.

“Ursula is dedicating a million euros to Richard McLaren and his team to investigate the accusations made against the alliance and against me in the ARD documentary: seized, dismantled,”

He said of the accusation of the threat as a recommendation to National Sports. According to him, he then “called Ursula because he was not good that way, and I really raised my voice louder.”

“I am not a criminal, I have not experienced this before, I was just thinking about how it is … (…) Anyway, the McLaren people made and copied everything they wanted. Later I apologized in writing to Ursula by the raised voice. “

He said. Regarding the Executive Director of EE. Recomm said, “During the January presidency, when I offered to step back for an independent investigation, I also considered him the right person for the role of trustee. I thought a woman works more finely. But it turned out that It was fast and everything wants to sweep underneath. ” To be ousted from the presidency, he replied that

“I am ready to quietly retire, I have four requests at the same time. We are discussing this now, but it is understandable if I am not talking about them now.”

He claims that he wants “no litigation and a fight”, he worked for weightlifting and the purity of the sport, “another problem that some countries have been an obstacle to this.”

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