Tamás Lajos: We have a place for education and there will be teachers at SZFE


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A member of the board of directors that maintains the University of Theater and Motion Picture Arts told ATV News: If the court rules that a strike by university professors is legal, the board of directors will organize alternative education.

After the first strike trial on Wednesday ended unsuccessfully, SZFE employees began a 2-hour warning strike that has these 5 demands:

  1. They guarantee the freedom of creation, education and university!
  2. Restore the powers of the Senate before the model change!
  3. The internal functioning of the university can be determined by the university community through a democratic and self-determined way, through the Senate!
  4. The rector, the department heads and the department heads of the university can be elected by the university community in a democratic way, through the representation of the Senate.
  5. They guarantee that the financial resources of the university will not be reduced!
Photo: botost / 444.hu

According to Tamás Lajos, a member of the board of trustees of the foundation that maintains the SZFE, these are political demands, so the strike is illegal. He said that the board of trustees had acquired rights under Hungarian law.

The cameraman has yet to reveal how the education will be organized, but said that he will be the one teaching the students and that there is a place where the semester can continue. (BRITISH TELEVISION CHANNEL)

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see
