Tamás Deutsch: This is rude with a joke


As we have written, an initiative has been launched in the Group of the European People’s Party in the European Parliament Tamás Deutsch due to the “radicalization and verbal attacks” of the politician, in particular his statement comparing the Gestapo Manfred weber one of the group leader’s statements.

In response to the news, Deutsch told the Hungarian Nation that the case perfectly shows why it should say no to the Brussels rule of law mechanism.

“Thirty years ago, the Communists closed in Prague, and now some in Brussels would exclude them. This is how it is when freedom and the country are defended. If there is such an exclusionary initiative, it will also show the joke rudely and perfectly why the impending punishment mechanism must be rejected by all means. They want to do the same against Hungary, which now some are planning against me. They would be punished for political reasons, ”said Tamás Deutsch, who also recalled that in the spring it was Donald Tusk, the president of the party’s family, who played down Viktor Orbán.

“It is difficult to dismiss the idea that the exclusion initiative is Brussels’ revenge for Hungary’s rejection of the planned penal mechanism,” Deutsch added.
