Tamás Busa died of a coronavirus


Dear aunt,

surely, I also feel that death is reaping in the third wave of the virus. It is already a kind of modern double Gift: although it is not true that all families already have one dead, God forbid, do not do it! – but it is already true that if we are in the world with three handshakes from anyone, then in our small country for two, and thus everyone already knows at least about the deaths of some other family. Today, both opera as a genre and opera as an institution have lost an artist: they overshadow the Holy Week of the opera “family” Tamás Busa death of our colleague.

With Eszter SümegiSource: Éder Vera

The mere fact of family love is a long testimony: even with retired academics and artists, in our private singing subculture of 2-300 people, most of the children were born in Tamás: eight. Four girls and four boys. There are forty-eleven-year-old adolescents, and of course six grandchildren were born until we shot “grandfather” Tamás Busa with the television magazine Opera in 2018. The quotation mark is correct, because Tamás was not a grandfather, young, disheveled. bangs at all., he was a bright-eyed, smiling, energetic artist with a big, mineral voice.

Tamás is a very late beginner, he was also thirty-seven years old when he stepped on the boards of the Opera in 1992, with two jumps. Bohemian life-Until the end of Marcello. But before that, it only started in Szeged two years ago, still Gregor József under his fleeting administration, there he became an opera singer for the musician Csongrád, who once graduated and sang as an oboist. He had already started his vocal studies as a family man, it certainly couldn’t have been easy, but he had the musical skills and the voice was ready for application on stage.

Kiss-B. AtillavalSource: www.zsofiapalyi.com/Zsofia Palyi

Tamás Busa became an inveterate artist who constantly toured the entire country, who remained a rural singer even when he could already be considered its capital. It couldn’t have been a season to not appear in the scenes of the five great cities that regularly play opera, I mean everyone! – but from 1997 he received the Budapest insignia as a regular guest baritone as a regular guest artist. (It was only due to the loss of civil servant status that he was unable to be a “regular member” while singing twice in performances as his fellow artist, who was already exhausted in some positions, so let’s stick around for him to be a member of the Between 1997 and 2019, in 22 seasons, Tamás Busa sang 694 opera performances, Erkel theater, and yes, he was already singing at the Bánffy Hall (he is our first lost artist to be at the Eiffel Workshop rehearsal) he attended.)

Tamás BusaSource: Opera file

The list of roles is glorious. I don’t know how many baritones read our private correspondence with my aunt, but no matter how many, they can break because a happy singer is the one who gets these 44 roles, the absolute top twenty roles in them, and he succeeds. We must also pay special attention to the 6 supporting roles of the 6 operas (I have underlined the titles of these operas), which were distributed after the most important parts that we assigned to Tamás: attention, if you see something like that, it always means that the artist is intelligent enough to notice the natural tendency of the favorable winds of time, sound, and cast to change. Tamás Busa understood this and greeted him with humility, he learned, tested and sang professionally, full of life, for what he was destined. Let’s walk together very well, in real chronology, in his life at the opera, along the milestones marked in the roles!

Ford (Verdi: Falstaff)
Dr. Falke (Strauss: The bat)
Figaro (Mozart: Figaro’s wedding)
William (Mozart: So all of them)
Papageno (Mozart: The magic Flute)
Háry (Kodály: János Háry)
Balstrode (British: Peter grimes)
Tonio (Leoncavallo: Bajazzók)
Sharpened (Puccini: Miss butterfly)
Husband (Petrovics: This is war)
Applicant (Kodály: Szekler spinning)
Mercutio (Gounod: Romeo and Juliet)
Brand Posa (Verdi: Don Carlos)
Ping (Puccini: Turandot)
Tiborc (Erkel: Sellk for sale)
Wolfram von Eschenbach (Wagner: Tannhauser)
Figaro (Rossini: The Barber of Seville)
Count Tomsky (Tchaikovsky: The Queen of Swords)
Don Giovanni (Mozart: Don giovanni)
Count Robinson (Cimarosa: The secret marriage)
Gerard (Giordano: Andrea Chenier)
Mathieu (Giordano: Andrea Chenier)
Giorgio Germont (Verdi: Traviata)
Saving Billy (Weill: The rise and fall of the city of Mahagonny)
Don Alfonso (Mozart: So all of them)
Uncle Marci (Kodály: János Háry)
Miller (Verdi: Louise Miller)
Buff (Mozart: The Color Director)
Bass (Mozart: Has nocturnal)
Sciarrone (Puccini: Tosca)
PeturErkel: Sellk for sale)
Porondmester (Mozart-Lackfi / Toronykőy: Ash flute)
Ottokár (Weber: The magic hunter)
Music teacher (Strauss: Ariadna on the island of Naxos)
Parmai herceg (Busoni: Dr. Faust)
Blinval (Donizetti: House of fools)
Tiszttartó (Massenet: Werther)
Marco (Puccini: Gianni Schicchi)
MandarinPuccini: Turandot)
Prince of Scales (Gounod: Romeo and Juliet)
Gróf ram (Strauss: The Gypsy Baron)
Count of Saint Bris (Meyerbeer: A hugenották)
Sir John Berkley (Marschner: The Vampire)
Parish priest of Tomaj (Tóth: Tooth)

Let’s not hide it: many of us were afraid of Thomas. In vain everyone knew that this is his life, he lives far away with his family, not in Budapest, and if he has nothing to sing here, he is immediately called upon by the opera companies of the big cities with his repertoire, stage routine. and friendly personality. At the same time, it took a lot of travel, concentration, fatigue, and in the end, as if he were right, because he could, he could. However, he was unable to calculate the coronavirus either. I learned on March 8 that he had been under deep anesthesia for several days, then I wrote to him, but to date no reply has been received. However, weeks have passed, in which the great warrior has fought through a great but difficult to detect battle, until now, for a long time, in itself a divine miracle, until now! – your lungs, strong and vital organization.

Thomas did not contract the virus at the Opera and for objective reasons. In 2019, we still had a crowded spring: in that season, at the age of 64, he received 24 performances, in the first contemporary Hungarian premiere of the Eiffel Workshop rehearsal, he was a member of the Tóthék team, and then appeared in two performances of Tosca and Gianni Schicchi at the Puccini Festival. A true team player until his last breath. And it even fits into the carriage of János Marci Háry, an audience of uneducated but bright-eyed student performances.

Fiber with AndreaSource: Éder Vera

Then the rule comes into force, hence it applies to him: whoever reaches retirement age can only be hired with the individual permission of a senior official. While I would only remind a retired theater director in special cases and for substandard roles, to be professionally justified if these conditions will be met. Tamás Busa’s low baritone, gravelly, serious voice and the ability to play would still be necessary now, because operas always have as many male roles as those written for ladies, and a deep voice never fades, always slower than varieties. high. We have not received permission several times. There’s no conspiracy in this, there’s no politics here, we’re just bitter about the stagnant enforcement of a bad rule here – the many prose theaters that gleefully hire their artists in their 70s or even 80s are worth seeing. . In his memory, I will resubmit the verbatim amendment that we have written for a long time so that this omission cannot happen to others.

With a broken heart, I say goodbye on behalf of the operas of Tamás, the great artist, the kind man, the head of a very large family who will also miss us, but then he will be really shocked. And since he was the type of artist who hadn’t trampled orders of merit, and his spaceless service had never won an award, only I was lucky enough to reward his particularly strong and affectionate lyrics with a Melis Award within the institution. bosom – here in the direction of the Opera For my part, I present what I know: to the ranks of the heirs of the Opera, as the artist who served the entire Hungarian opera representation with the same love and professionalism. Posthumously, unfortunately. Very sorry.

“Shit, we’re going to fly!”
New Year Eve

April 3, 2021
