Table of contents – Sport – Brave victory against the Germans, we lead the group


Within the framework of the Hungarian national team this time

Ádám Borbély, Mátyás Győri, Egon Hanusz and Petar Topic were not nominated by the professional staff.

Zoltán Szita set the basic tone for the match with a great shot, but sadly the first German attack ended with a display and one week, Bence Bánhidi was sent off for two minutes. Fortunately, we got through the first difficult period, after five minutes the work was 3 to 3.

Although the opponent took the lead for the first time during the match, we immediately leveled with Máthé Dominik’s bombshell goal. In minute 6, the referees distributed the two second minutes, this time to Adrián Sipos,

but after a good defense and then a great match by Máté Lékai-Bánhidi, we had the advantage again.

For the sake of variety, the next German action resulted in another Hungarian show, this time Máthé had to leave the field, and the double human advantage was already scored by Alfred Gislason’s team. In the 12th minute we finally reached the forefront, furthermore, we led again with the week of Zsolt Balogh (7-6)

and after another great defense and run, Lékai increased the difference between the two teams to two at the end of the first quarter of an hour.

The momentum lasted, Bánhidi and Máthé also scored, and the German federal captain immediately called for time at 10-6. However, the gap could not be reduced, a Hungarian blow came for every German goal, so in the 20th minute we had 12–8 going for us. In fact, we were able to attack from a five-goal lead in the 25th minute, Germany didn’t like our aggressive defense and we took advantage of situations a lot.

and with another hit from Lékai, we were able to turn 15-10 during the last five minutes.

That started with another show for the sake of variety, Bóka got two minutes, and with the goals of Marcel Schiller and Timo Kastening the difference was reduced to three, the Hungarian professional squad also asked for their first time. Unfortunately, however, the hair belonged to the Germans,

Thanks to the great feats of Johannes Bitter and a 4-0 attack, the teams were able to rest at 15-14.

Unfortunately, the second part of the match started with a goal, but Szita broke the silence of the Hungarian goal, then Bánhidi perfectly extinguished his defender, so we took two steps again. We also kept this difference in the 40th minute, 22-20 in our favor.

This was followed by the moments of Rikland Mikler, who also presented three great feats in quick succession,

and when Paul Drux brought down the Banhidi that turned into a ziccer, we got a human advantage.

There were no hits from either side in the two minutes,

with Drux’s goal coming back from the bench and then Uwe Gensheimer’s striker a quarter of an hour before the end tied again (22-22).

The bomb of his new father with two sons, Richard Bodó, came at the best possible moment, but at the end of the counterattack, Schiller returned to equal seven. And although we once again had a human advantage, after an inaccurate pass from Máthé, after 4-3, the Germans were able to attack again for the lead. Drux’s hand shot out again, changing to 24-23,

Bánhidi, on the other hand, responded immediately on the other side, with the bands turning 24-24 for the last 10 minutes.

This, for the sake of variety …, started with a Hungarian show, and sadly our offensive game got stuck in the hair, but still no problem with enthusiasm and militancy, thanks to which it was 26-26 after 55 minutes of play.

After another great feat by Mikler and Bánhidi’s seventh goal, although we were back in the lead, another two-minute scheduled exhibition came, which was immediately exploited by the Germans.

However, those who could not find an antidote against Bánhidi were brought to 28-27 1.5 minutes before the end.

Gislason asked for time, and the warnings that were made there were the most received by Patrick Groetzki, who equalized from the wind. However, the last attack was ours, we had half a minute to win the match and the Hungarian professional team also asked for their time to explain to the players how.

For example, playing the figure of Léka, who, starting from the ninth line, threw one of the three Germans into the lower corner of the goal, thus winning the match for the Hungarian team 29-28.

The best of the match was Bence Bánhidi, and István Gulyás’ team will take the maximum, four points, to the semifinals.


Hungary-Germany 29-28 (15-14)
Hungary: Mikler – Bóka, Sieve 3 goals, Bánhidi 8, Lékai 4, Máthé 8, Rodríguez
Exchanges: Sipos, Rosta 1, Balogh Zs.1, Bodó 2, Ancsin 2, Székely
Federal Captain: István Gulyás

The final result of the group:

1. Hungary 6 points, 2. Germany 4, 3. Uruguay 2, 4. Cape Verde 0 (withdrawn due to coronavirus infection)

More results, group round, third (last) round:

Group B (New Capital):

Poland-Brazil 33-23 (13-11)

Spain-Tunisia 36-30 (17-14)

The end result: 1. Spain 5 points, 2. Poland 4, 3. Brazil 2, 4. Tunisia 1

Group D (Cairo):

Denmark-Argentina 31-20 (15-10)

Bahrain-Congo DK 34-27 (14-12)

The end result: 1. Denmark 6 points, 2. Argentina 4, 3. Bahrain 2, 4. Congo DK

Group C (Alexandria):

Croatia-Qatar 26-24 (13-11)

Japan-Angola 30-29 (16-12)

The end result: 1. Croatia 5 points, 2. Qatar 4, 3. Japan 3, 4. Angola 0

The top three finishers of the groups reached the semifinals, the fourth place finishers finished 25-32. they continue for a place.

Position of Group I of the semifinal (Nueva Capital):

1. Hungary 4 points, 2. Spain 3, 3. Germany 2 (71-43), 4. Poland 2 (59-50), 5. Brazil 1, 6. Uruguay 0

(Cover image: Anne-Christine Poujoulat / AFP)
