A series of laboratory and mouse experiments that kill cancer cells without drugs proved successful, writes life.hu.
A revolutionary new process is described on the Science Alert page, according to which this compound is found in the amino acid L phenylalanine, which is one of the amino acids that make up proteins. The human body is unable to produce this, it can only be absorbed by milk and meat products consumed.
Researchers have focused on this amino acid because it is one of the compounds that cancer cells depend on the most.
The amino acid particle, called Nano-nPAAM, is beneficially treated by diseased cells, which are then forced to commit suicide. The nanoparticle, which acts as a Trojan horse, is capable of specifically and exclusively killing diseased cells and therefore does not require drugs “or chemotherapy” to defeat cancer.
So far, the researchers have only done laboratory and mouse tests, but the results are extremely promising.