Table of Contents – Foreign – The President of Belarus has retired from the United States


Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko told US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during a telephone conversation on Saturday that Moscow was Minsk’s main ally and would not interfere in the country’s internal affairs, the ONT told the Belarusian state television.

Lukashenko briefed Pompeo on the “national dialogue” taking place in the country. He stressed that Moscow is the country’s main ally and that Minsk appreciates its help. “He also noted that Russia is not interfering in the internal affairs of Belarus. At the same time, the two countries are ready to jointly respond to emerging external threats, “the television quoted from the conversation as saying that Pompeo said Washington remained committed to maintaining Belarus’ sovereignty and independence and a supporter of bilateral cooperation .

In Belarus, recalls the MTI, protests have continued since the presidential elections on August 9, whose official results show that the president, who has been in power for 26 years, won by 80.1 percent of the vote. Opposition candidate Svetlana Tykhanovskaya received 10.1 percent of the vote, but neither she nor the West acknowledge the official results.

Tyihanouszkaya, who was in exile in Vilnius, announced the other day if the Belarusian authorities did not comply with the opposition’s demands by Sunday, and Lukashenko it does not give up, then the next day, that is, on Monday, opposition supporters will strike factories, begin to close roads, and will not buy in public stores.
